With the world in disarray and everything falling apart around us, I thought my blog wasn't needed in this moment. I was wrong.
When I started The Apprehensive Parental earlier this year, I was pumped about sharing my experiences, connecting with other moms, and putting a new narrative into the mom blog-o-sphere. I had a cache of blog posts saved up, a notebook full of ideas, a social media calendar schedule- the works- in place.
Then COVID hit. And some of my family and friends got sick- or worse. And George Floyd was killed. And the country launched face first into a racial reckoning. And election season, with all it's misinformation and fear-mongering, got into full swing.
And as I mourned for lives lost, and tried to create and adjust to a new normal with my family, and looked on with dismay and disgust as people I'd known for years and considered friends excused and supported bigotry and hate, my focus shifted.
I went into survival mode.
And while I posted a few blogs about my perspective as a Black mother and the activism of motherhood, I soon stopped. My stored up posts seemed tone deaf and out of place.
Who wanted to read about my birth story while the country fell apart all around us?
Luckily for me, I have some pretty amazing people in my life (my partner, my mama, and my friend and mom support group facilitator, specifically) who are honest and hold me accountable. And according to them, continuing to write and share was EXACTLY what I needed to do.
Sure, things aren't perfect in the world right now. But when have they ever been?
And even as we trudge through this unprecedented time of facing a global pandemic and social unrest, people are still raising their children, looking for an escape- however brief- and doing what they can to stay sane.
For you, it might be reading this blog. For me, it's writing it.
That said, the break is over. I'm excited to be back in the saddle and can't wait to keep growing this brand into what I know it can be.